Monday, November 14, 2011

Can integrity & honesty in business exist?

Honesty and Integrity is something you hear a lot about in business...Its either something that organisations are aspiring to or something that is lacking. My question is this, in a world where each is trying to protect their own best interest is it possible to act with complete honesty and integrity without fear that someone/a business partner/business associate, whoever really their attempt to act in their own best interest may sabotage your interest. 

John Nash’s theory of equilibrium suggests that if each player has chosen a strategy and no player can benefit by changing his or her strategy while the other players keep theirs unchanged, then the current set of strategy choices and the corresponding payoffs constituted reach equilibrium.

If this is true then, surely if everyone lay’s their plans out on the table honestly in the effort of integrity, with the interests of trying to achieve what is best for the collective rather than the individual then surely business would thrive and flourish.  So then, why would it seem that in business the individual acts only for himself at the expense of the collective and should someone be interested in acting for collective in the hopes that the best efforts for the collective will result in the best efforts for himself, would succeed! 

I am in business for the love of what I do, yes naive but ultimately very virtue of having to make a living and needing the business to grow I have to make some kind of profit. If the opportunity to achieve something of significance for the industry, the music industry to be specific, by working with others in that industry for the greater good, am all for it. However it would seem and the music industry does not stand in isolation...I think it’s with all business, it is each man for himself and that cats are among the wolves and may the strongest survive.

Is it even possible to contemplate the romantic notion that I as a business person can approach someone else in a similar business, lay my plans on the table with honesty and hope that the other person will act with integrity and not use the information I have provided as a way to further their own interest? Dare I dream that I can collaborate with like minded people who want nothing more than to do the work for the love of it, for wanting to be part of something, for believing in the cause or is this just a fictitious fantasy that exists only in movies???

I live in hope that the cause will outweigh the commercial benefits that can be achieved, that love and not greed will ultimately be our driving force...I'm a romantic!

Thuli signing out...

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