Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's all about Character...

There is a great sense of accomplishment that one feels when you begin to see the fruit of you labour come to life. There is personal satisfaction in knowing that every personal sacrifice that one has made has been worth the pain, anxiety and grey hairs that have come with them. It is equally heart warming to know that all of that energy was not wasted on seamlessly small and mundane task...that each action no matter how small was the contributing factor that has helped reach this pinnacle of achievement. 

I don’t think the reward would be as great or would feel quite as satisfying if the journey were easy. Whoever gained great sense of satisfaction from doing something that was effortless? What would life be if we were not challenged in some way that allowed us to grow, build our strength and character? 

Richard Reeves says “"Character is a word that seems to define almost all human activity and then some...Power is what you do and character is what you are...All leaders must face some crisis where their own strength of character is the enemy." So I say embrace the curve balls, look past the challenges and see the potential that they posses and the glory that lives on the other side.

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