Saturday, November 5, 2011

Finding the illusive Titanic

In starting up I’ve read quite a few books on how to start and run a business. All of these books with fountains of knowledge and information, that on paper make perfect sense...have a plan; define how it will be executed and then execute it! It all seems very logical only for one thing, life doesn’t go according to any script, planned or otherwise! 

A well thought out idea is a good one ever went into battle without at least considering whether they might win or lose, but in the same breath we can plan our lives away, putting together business plans, marketing strategies and communication plans, etc, etc... In the end creativity and brilliant ideas are seldom ever laid out on paper beforehand. They are often situations that arise in the spur of the moment, the challenge lies in being able to determine whether or not that situation will benefit or hinder your business.  There is never a guarantee that even the most well thought out plans or the best executed plans will work. It is all about taking a risk, throwing caution to the wind and working really hard to make it succeed. 

For me, business is risky stuff, not for the faint hearted, you have to be open to ideas, shift gears when you need to and if an opportunity that you hadn’t considered comes your way that has the potential for success, take it. No one ever became good at what they did by doing the smart thing all the time.  If Steve Jobs had listened to all his critics, would we have the Ipod, Itunes, the Ipad or Iphone. The greatest business leaders of our time Jeff Bezos ,  Richard Branson or Sergey Brin & Larry Page, Li Ka Shing, in some way or another have broken the rules and taken a risk that at the time may not have been the wisest option, but has paid them dividend in the end. 

So what risks have I taken you ask ... well I’m only getting started at this point so for now my biggest risk, spending my life savings on this little venture of mine, it’s a well thought idea, with some planning involved but I certainly haven’t got it all figured out!

So I say have an idea think it through carefully and then go out there and make it work best for you! Take a risk, jump at the opportunity and swim in the deepest part of the never know, you may just discover the Titanic while you’re out there.

And that’s just how Thuli sees it!

Thuli signing out...

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